Jumat, 20 November 2015

PDF⋙ Second Timothy, Preaching Verse by Verse by Th.D. Ph.D. Pastor D. A. Waite

Second Timothy, Preaching Verse by Verse by Th.D. Ph.D. Pastor D. A. Waite

Second Timothy, Preaching Verse by Verse

Second Timothy, Preaching Verse by Verse by Th.D. Ph.D. Pastor D. A. Waite PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book on Second Timothy is the eighth in a planned series of books based on expository preaching from various books of the Bible. It is an attempt to bring to the minds of the readers two things: (1) the meaning of the words in the verses and (2) the practical application of those words to the hearts and lives of Bible-believing Christians.

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Second Timothy, Preaching Verse by Verse by Th.D. Ph.D. Pastor D. A. Waite EPub

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