Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

PDF⋙ Moonbeams and Mysteries by C J Falk

Moonbeams and Mysteries by C J Falk

Moonbeams and Mysteries

Moonbeams and Mysteries by C J Falk PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Moonbeams and Mysteries is a story filled with fun, magic and danger. It's an adventure-packed book for young adults with a vivid imagination and curiosity. Jenny's family left the big city and moved to a quaint little town in Connectidut to live with her grandma in her huge, old Victorian house. It was located in the country not far from the bay and ocean. Jenny's two cousins, Buddy and his sister Laura, would be spending their summer vacation with her. The three cousins had no idea they would soon be embarking on the most incredible journey of their lives. After listening to grandma telling tales surrounding the stone lighthouse, they were determined to solve the age-old mysteries. When the adventure began the cousins never realized how many unbelievably exciting and dangerous obstacles they would encounter along the way.

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